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I'm Kevin Cupid. I have been passionate about Chess for many years.  While I'm still driven to play competitively, my ambitions have extended to coaching chess locally and internationally. As the founder of Cupid Chess Academy, I am eager to use this platform to help others develop Chess skills and create champions. 

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My Story

I met chess in 2004, and been pressing ever since. While competing in many tournaments and collecting titles for my accomplishments, I have coached National junior champions of Trinidad and Tobago and International Champions. I coach  schools locally, both Primary and Secondary level. Also have students as young as age four. I build an outstanding relationship with my students and I know how to keep them highly motivated and engaged. A very no nonsense type of coach that believes strongly in discipline and self application. Not to mention, outside of the chessboard, I have done athletics for many years and have a Diploma in Business Management (ABE) and a BSc(Hons) in Economics. If you require my services, be prepared to win both on and off the chessboard. 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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